ZGSM Forum

The ZGSM Forum offers math graduate students and postdocs an opportunity to obtain information and share advice on topics mostly related to career development. It consists of lunch-time panel discussions with 3-5 mathematicians (usually from the Zurich community), taking place twice per semester alternating between UZH Irchel and ETH Zentrum.

  • All members of the ZGSM and all Zurich math postdocs are cordially invited:
  • A free light lunch for all participants will be provided starting 12:00.
    • The next forum takes place in October.

    Getting your next academic job

    Wednesday, October 02 2024, 12:00-13:15
    ETH HG G 19.1
    Adam Kanigowski (UMD/JU), Vivian Kuperberg (ETH), Sara van de Geer (ETH), Violetta Weger (TU Munich)